All members shall abide by the constitution and the bye-laws as outlines herein.
All members shall conduct themselves with a sense of decorum at all meetings and events. All members shall be treated with dignity and respect. All opinions will be acknowledged and respected, even if they differ from the majority’s.
No one shall “talk over” another person at all meetings. No member will be interrupted when speaking, unless his/her allotted time is expired and/or the Chair deems it fit. Offenders could be fined up to $5.00 for each occurrence.
No “Pocket Meetings” will be tolerated while all meetings and deliberations are in session.
Lateness to all meetings and events without a notification to the Secretary or any Board member, will result in an automatic fine of $1.00 minimum. Lateness is defined as arrival later than 5minutes after the stipulated meeting or event time.
Membership Termination & Reinstatement: Any inactive member (financially and attendance) for a period of one year or more without a verbal or written communication to UNAT, is deemed terminated. Any such member will be required to reapply for membership and pay the required Registration fee.
Board Membership: Board member tenure shall coincide with the Chair/executive tenure. All Board members shall step down after two years, and have the option to continue thereafter.
Board membership shall consist of single membership (not husband and/or spouse). There shall be no allowance for spouses representing each other at Board meetings.
A prospective Board member must have been an active member for at least one year before seeking a position.
All Board members shall attend all scheduled events.
All Board members are required to attend a minimum of 2/3 of all monthly Board meetings. Failure to attend 3 consecutive Board meetings without notice and excuse, will result in automatic dismissal from the Board.
Qualifications: Individual/family must be a member(s) for at least six months
A member must be up to date on his/her dues and any other financial obligations to the Association. Benefit amount will be reduced by the amount owed to the Association.
All benefit payments are subject to the Attendance Policy as stated in Article XIV (6). Failure to attend at least 75% of the preceeding year’s monthly meetings, will result in 50% reduction in Benefit amount due.
Monthly Dues: $15.00 for single individuals, $25.00 for Family (Husband, wife & children under 21).
Bereavement Benefit-
In the event that any member is deceased, the member’s next of kin (as stated in member’s application form/other documents),will receive the sum of $500.00 from the Association’s Welfare Account, funded by members.
In the event that any member loses an immediate family member, he /she shall receive the sum of $300.00 from the Association’s Welfare Account. Immediate family is defined as Father, Mother, Son and Daughter.
Benefit Limits- Single individuals will receive a maximum of $500.00 Bereavement benefit in a calendar year. Families will receive no more than $1,000.00 Bereavement benefit in a calendar year.