Table of Contents
Article I: The Association
Article II: Language
Article III: Preamble to the Law
Article IV: Mission and Objectives
Article V: Membership
Article VI: Association Calendar
Article VII: Meetings
Article VIII: Administration
Article IX: Advisors
Article X: Board of Trustees
Article XI: Election of Officers
Article XII: Committees
Article XIII: Finance
Article XIV: Code of Conduct
Article XV: Discipline of Members
Article XVI: Termination of Membership
Article XVII: Resignation of Membership
Article XVIII: Reinstatement of Membership
Article XIX: Benefits
Article XX: Quorum
Article XXI: Amending the Constitution
Article XXII: Dissolution of the Association
- This organization shall be known as United Nigeria Association of Tulsa, hereafter referred to as “UNAT” or “Association”.
- This Constitution shall be cited as The Constitution of United Nigeria Association of Tulsa (Repeal and Re-enactment) 2014.
- The motto of UNAT shall be “Unity, Equality and Justice.”
- The logo of THE ASSOCIATION shall be the symbol of “Unity and Strength”.
- The association shall be a non- profit and all volunteer members association.
- The official language for all manner of communication by the association shall be English.
- There shall be no discrimination among members of the association based on age, race, sexual orientation, religion, education, or ethnicity.
- There shall be no dominance of any tribal and or religious group in the association.
- This Constitution shall be the governing law of the Association and all other existing rules and regulations shall be subject to it.
- This Constitution shall be binding on all members of the association.
- This Constitution was put together by Constitutional Committee, appointed and approved by the association.
Mission Statement: To promote the spirit of excellence in the area of Nigerian culture, education and welfare among Nigerians and the community at large.
- To embark on programs that will create and promote unity among Nigerians in Tulsa;
- To promote economic, educational, social and cultural development of the members and our community;
- To act and support collectively in times of need and emergency on issues that affect our members and community;
- To promote and protect the interest of Nigerians in the community;
- To act as positive role models and mentors for our children;
- Serve as a voice for our members in the community.
- To strengthen, encourage and promote unity, understanding and close relationship among our members.
- To promote education and the dissemination of Nigerian and African culture in the Tulsa community.
Section A: Qualification for Membership
- Membership of the association is open to all Nigerians residing in Oklahoma, irrespective of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and gender.
- All persons of Nigerian descent, including spouses and children are welcome regardless of age, sex and economic status on the condition that they meet the membership requirements.
- A member shall be deemed to be in good financial standing if he or she is up to date in payment of membership dues and levies determined by the association.
- A member shall be deemed to be in good standing if he or she is in good financial standing and attend 75% (9) of the general meetings in a calendar year.
- Any member that relocates to a different location or city may continue their membership provided he or she pays his or her monthly dues.
- All prospective members shall complete a membership form.
- Membership form is not considered an application but a gesture by an individual to become part of the association. Filling a membership form is the initial step of the process of becoming a member.
- Admission of all new members shall be subject to approval of the association after being vetted by the Membership Committee and upon recommendation by the Chairman.
The Association’s year shall be January to December of each year.
- Meeting of UNAT shall be held on the last Saturday of every month.
- The Chairman shall have the power to change the date and time of meetings subject to the approval of majority of the members.
- The Chairman shall, upon consultation with other members of the Board, call for emergency meeting where the need arises.
- Any member in good standing may request for an emergency meeting through a member of the Board who should communicate such a request to the Chairman for approval.
- The venue for all meetings shall be held in places suitable until such a time when UNAT shall secure a permanent site.
- Any member may host a meeting in a private residence or any suitable site of the member’s choice.
- Any member willing to host a meeting shall communicate such intent to a member of the Board at least seven (7) days before the meeting.
- The meeting of the association, upon notification by the general secretary, may be conducted with the use of any available technology such as speaker phone or smartphone, Webex, Goto Meeting, Skype, Viber, etc
Section A: Officers of THE ASSOCIATION.
There shall be a Board comprising of nine (9) members constituting the executive committee of UNAT. All association officers shall be a member of the board except the Compliant Officer. The position of the Compliant Officer shall be considered as an independent position, separate from the day-to-day operation of the board.
The following officers shall be elected from the nine members of the board:
- Chairman
- General Secretary
- Financial Secretary
- Treasurer
- Public Relations Officer
Section B: Duties and Functions of the Officers
Board Members
The board shall have the duties and responsibilities to perform the following:
- Set up sub-committees for the association
- Initiate all event committees no later than six months prior to the commencement of the event.
- Initiate an Audit Report Committee no later than one month prior to the end of any event.
- Shall present an Annual State of the Association to all members at a general meeting no later than 28 of February of every year.
- Shall appoint a member from the general membership as a Compliant Officer on yearly basis.
- Set up a Disciplinary Committee to investigate the alleged matter in the event the Chairman is in violation of any of the association’s rules and bye laws
- Duties of the Chairman
- The Chairman shall preside over all meetings of the board;
- The Chairman shall be the Chief Executive Officer of UNAT;
- The Chairman shall preside over all meetings of the Association;
- The Chairman shall be the spokesperson of the Association;
- The Chairman shall cast the deciding vote whenever there is a tie during a general assembly;
- The Chairman shall have powers to set up a Disciplinary Committee to investigate any dispute in the Association;
- The Chairman shall, through the General Secretary, summon emergency
and Board meetings;
- The Chairman shall be a signatory to UNAT monetary transactions and documents;
- The Chairman shall appoint committees to carry out specific duties on behalf of the association;
- The Chairman shall appoint any board member to lead the meeting in his or her absence.
- Duties of the General Secretary:
- a) General Secretary shall keep all association data and records and conduct all correspondence as may be directed by the association
- b) Keep records of all minutes of meetings.
- c) Send notifications of all meetings.
- d) Shall, upon notification by the Chairman, summon emergency, general or board meetings of the association.
- e) Shall make the minutes of the meetings available within two weeks after the meeting.
- f) Shall perform such tasks and other duties that the Chairman delegates to him or her.
- Duties of the Treasurer:
- Shall deposit all monies paid in the name of the association to the bank within three business days of their receipt.
- Shall make available to the financial secretary the receipt of deposited funds within seven days of the deposit.
- Shall make expenditures only upon written authorization of the Chairman.
- Shall report, monthly, on the financial position of the association at all meetings and other times as may be requested by the Chairman.
- Shall bring all account books, checks and registers of association to all meetings.
- Shall make financial books and records of the association available to an auditor on demand and provide all necessary assistance to make the auditor’s work efficient.
- Shall collect, safe-guard, and disburse all funds of the association as directed by the constitution and the association.
- Shall be a signatory to the association monetary transactions and documents.
- Shall perform other duties that the Chairman delegates to him or her.
- Duties of the Financial Secretary:
- The Financial Secretary shall hand over all monies collected to the treasurer within 48 hours or otherwise to the General Secretary in the absence of the Treasurer.
- The Financial Secretary shall present previous year’s financial statement to the members within the first two months of new calendar year;
- Shall request an audit of all accounts within one month after any event organized by the association, and reports submitted to the association within three months after the event.
- Shall be a signatory to the accounts of the organization.
- Shall keep accurate records of all moneys received from members; all donations to the association and expenditure.
- Shall make reports of all collections and disbursements of funds of the association.
- Shall perform other duties that the Chairman delegates to him or her;
- Shall comply with the association’s financial policy as stipulated in the standard operational procedure.
- Shall initiate appropriate methods of collection of dues, levies and monies for the association
- Duties of the Public Relations Officer:
- The Public Relations Officer shall be responsible for developing and monitoring social media activities.
- Shall assist in organizing all social activities of the association.
- Shall ensure adequate publicity of all activities of the association.
- Shall perform such other duties that the Chairman delegates to him or her.
- Shall not release information about UNAT and its activities without consultation with and permission of the Board and/or the Chairman.
Compliant Officer:
The Compliant Officer shall ensure that all rules and By-laws of the association are followed according to the constitution. This position shall be on a one-year temporary basis and serve as a means of checks and balances for the association and make quarterly recommendations to the Board.
- UNAT may appoint an Advisor when necessary.
- Such Advisor may be a non-Nigerian with appropriate qualifications to serve in that capacity.
- An Advisor shall be appointed by the Board and approved by simple majority vote of all members.
- The primary duty of an Advisor is to provide counsel to the association when necessary.
- The advisor may be invited to the board meetings or to the general meetings.
- The tenure of the advisor shall be determined by the Board.
- Financial payment to the Advisor must be recommended by the Board and approved by a simple majority vote at the general meeting.
The board of Trustee may comprise of members outside the association that have the genuine interest of the association. Any member of the association may nominate a candidate to the board of trustee with the approval of general assembly.
- The officers of the association shall be elected for two (2) calendar years. In the event of any vacancy (other than that of the Chairman), the Chairman subject to the approval of the general house shall appoint a member to serve in that capacity.
- An officer of THE ASSOCIATION may seek re-election at the end of the term but may not serve more than four consecutive terms.
- Officers of the association shall be elected by secret ballot at the general meeting to be held in November of election year.
- A prospective candidate for an office may be nominated during or before the meeting in which elections are being held.
- A member seeking an office shall be in good financial standing with the association.
- All offices of association shall be declared vacant the day of the election of officers. The out-going Board shall appoint a two-member Electoral Committee.
- The primary duty of the Electoral Committee shall be to conduct the election.
- The Electoral Committee shall cease to exist at the conclusion of this election.
- All the association documents and asset MUST be handed over to the newly elected board not later than one month after the election.
The association shall have the following standing committees.
- Membership & Welfare Committee shall:
- Be involved in the recruitment and retention of members
- Oversee all membership issues such as follow-up on new and absentee members;
- Implement membership as contained in the constitution
- Liaise with the Secretary and maintain complete list of membership contact.
- Oversee the well-being of every member
- Plan and organize visitation of members during life events
- Assist in welcoming new Nigerians into Tulsa
- Any other duties as may be assigned by the board
- Vet potential members and make recommendation to the House for approval
- Discharge all other function as permitted by UNAT
- Public Relations / Advertising Committee: Shall:
- Publicize all activities
- Handle all printing, advertising and invitations of all events
- Establish media contacts and advise on program calendar at the beginning of the year
- Responsible for the maintenance and updating of association event displays
- Any other duties as may be assigned by the Board
- Event Committee Shall:
- Plan and execute specific events
- Work with other committees to ensure that the goals of the association are met
- Update the Board as needed
- Handover event report to Audit Committee within one (1) month after the completion of the specific event
- Any other duties as may be assigned by the Board
- All association accounts shall be created in the name of “United Nigeria Association of Tulsa” only;
- All monies collected shall be deposited into its respective accounts within two (2) business days.
- The association shall at all times keep a separate account for the daily operations of the association, welfare of its members, an event account, and special project accounts as needed. At no time should the funds from each account be co-mingled with other accounts.
- 50% of each monthly membership dues shall be allocated towards the welfare fund.
- Creation and cancellation of accounts to include the addition and, or deletion of signatories on any account in the name of the association must first be approved by a simple majority vote of the general assembly.
- The annual due is $120.00 per single member which may be, paid in installments, provided that no payment shall be less than the equivalent of a monthly installment of $10.00. Student membership annual due will be $60.00 (Sixty US dollars) per single member.
- Married couples who are jointly members of UNAT shall pay $180.00 annually equaling $15.00 per month. Married students with joint membership shall pay $120.00
- Though membership dues are calculated for couples, married couples shall be recognized as individual member for voting purposes.
- A one-time registration fee of $25.00 (twenty-five US dollars) is required of every new or reinstated member and $ 15.00 (Fifteen dollars) for Students effective January 01, 2015.
- 10. A special fee may be levied on members when needed. Such a levy shall be approved by vote at the general meeting.
- . The association may raise funds to finance special projects that are approved by the members.
The association as a non-profit organization may receive funds from individuals or organizations that may wish to advance the work of the UNAT.
- . The Association accounts shall be audited before the selection of new board as mentioned in the financial SOP.
- . Auditor(s) shall be appointed by the Board and approved by the Chairman and majority vote at the general meeting.
- . Any member of the association can donate voluntarily and generously towards any project of the association.
- A two-month dues discount may be accorded members for a one-time
payment, if made by June 30 of every year.
- All members, at all times, are bound by the Constitution and By-laws of the association
- No member shall conduct himself / herself in any manner that may discredit the interests of the association.
- All members of the association shall conduct themselves with dignity and respect during UNAT meetings and at all times.
- All differences and misunderstandings among members, that threaten the stability of the association, shall be resolved within the association; and members shall endeavor to bring any misunderstandings between them to the attention of any members of the Board for the sole purpose of amicable resolution and reconciliation.
- All members shall pay their dues and other levies as they become due.
- All members are required to attend two thirds of the general meeting in a calendar year.
- Any violation of any or all of the above is regarded as “misconduct” and is grounds for the initiation of disciplinary procedure
- When a member of UNAT is in violation of any of the association rules and by-laws, the Chairman with the approval of the Board shall set up a disciplinary committee to investigate the alleged matter.
Exception: When the Chairman or any member of the Board is in violation of the association’s rules and regulations, the House shall set up the disciplinary committee to investigate the alleged matter.
- The Chairman may appoint the Compliant Officer a member of the disciplinary committee.
- The disciplinary committee shall be a temporary committee and shall be dissolved after the investigation.
- A public apology at the general meeting shall be demanded of any member found in violation of any of the Association’s rules. Payment of fines and or other works for the Association may be levied by the House. Refunds and fines shall be demanded in case of embezzlement.
- The House may vote to suspend or expel any member who refuses a disciplinary action approved by the Association.
- Any member can recuse himself or herself from the disciplinary committee if the member feels there may be a conflict of interest in the discharge of his, or her duties.
ARTICLE XVI: Termination of Membership
- Any member of the association may, by two third of majority vote, be suspended or expelled upon recommendation by the disciplinary committee.
- Any suspended or expelled member shall return all items in their possession belonging to the Association within two weeks. Failure to, could result in a legal action. Such a member should not represent the association in any form or fashion.
- When a member is suspended or terminated, the affected member can appeal for reinstatement in writing to the Board within three months from the date of termination. Reinstatement will be considered after review of the appeal by the Board, and approval by a simple majority vote of the members.
ARTICLE XVII: Resignation of Membership
- 1. A member who chooses to resign from membership of the Association
may do so verbally or in writing to the General Secretary. A minimum of two weeks is required.
- A member who resigns from membership of the association must surrender all assets, documents and properties belonging to UNAT immediately upon verification of said resignation.
- Failure to return all UNAT assets, documents and properties will result in legal action.
- A member who resigns from membership of UNAT shall forfeit all past contributions and donations to UNAT.
ARTICLE XVIII: Reinstatement of Membership
Any former member who applies for reinstatement shall comply with
conditions as set forth in this Constitution (Articles V, XIV, XV, XVII)
UNAT recognizes the following benefits to members:
- All active members in good standing shall be issued identification
card by the association. This ID card shall be used at events and other places where complementary entry is encouraged.
- In the event that any member is diseased, the member’s next of kin shall receive One Thousand dollars ($500.00) from the Association’s Welfare account, funded by members.
- In the event that any member loses an immediate family member, , he/she shall receive Five hundred ($500.00) from the Association’s Welfare Account. Immediate family member is defined as father, mother, spouse, son and daughter.
- Benefits for life changing events mainly births, marriages, graduation from 4-year college program, and retirements shall be One hundred ($100.00) from the Association’s Welfare Account.
- UNAT Board, under the leadership of the Chairman, shall organize yearly fund-raising events to support UNAT projects as envisioned by the association.
- All eligible UNAT members shall participate in the life insurance program. Participation, though encouraged, shall be voluntary.
The association recognizes the following quorums:
- General Meeting Quorum: Defined as one-third of all registered members or two-third of the board members present.
- Constitutional Quorum: Defined as one-half of all members in the association.
- Any member in good standing may, in writing, propose an amendment to the Constitution. This request shall be submitted to any member of the board.
- After an amendment has been proposed, it must come before the general meeting for adoption, rejection, or deferment.
In the event of the dissolution of the association, ALL assets will be donated to a charitable organization.
United Nigeria Association of Tulsa gratefully acknowledges
The Constitutional Committee
for their dedication towards this document:
Mr. Olusola Dada
Ogbuefi Oranudu Patrick Nwakoby
Mr. Clinton Obene
Mr. Jim Oguntomi
Dr. Pastor Wisdom Okotie
Lolo Joy Ololo: | | (Chairman) | Date: |
Moses Wayer: | | (Gen. Secretary) | Date: |
Yinka Osifeso: | | (Treasurer) | Date: |
Stephen Erue: | | (Fin. Secretary) | Date: |
Michael Nsien: | | (Public Relations) | Date: |
Kehinde Aina: | | (Board Member) | Date: |
Phyllis Obene: | | (Board Member) | Date: |
Chief Ese Charles Yugbovwre | | (Board Member) | Date: |
| | | |